High profile FELO cases

Media Coverage

A quick internet search will reveal a number of high-profile FELO cases. Recent high profile cases include Qoros, a Chinese car manufacturer built with foreign executives and Korean chaebol (industrial conglomerates) that have hired foreign executives into local headquarter positions. Regrettably, much of the past popular media coverage focuses on FELO appointments where the relationship quickly soured. That media coverage may therefore create the (false) impression that there are no successful long-term FELO affiliations.

Academic Research

In contrast to the media coverage, academic research investigates and analyses the FELO phenomenon systematically. Newspaper reports lack the depth and rigour of a systematic academic investigation.

FELO research establishes why some FELO appointments fail, why other appointments last, how cultural distance is bridged, and what can be gained from these cross-cultural workplace affiliations.

==>   First foreign executive at TOYOTA’s headquarters quits after 3 months

==>   ‘Chip’ Goodyear at Temasek Holdings, Singapore

==>   ‘Charm’ Berhard Quandt, Korea